Graduating Senior Wins Mark Twain Essay Prize

Ashley Fredericks ’17 was awarded the 24th Annual Mark Twain Essay Prize as part of Commencement Weekend festivities for her graduating class at Elmira College. Ms. Frederick’s essay, titled “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: To Teach or Not to Teach,” enters the most volatile and publicized debate in Mark Twain Studies since the 1950s, concerning the appropriateness of Twain’s most acclaimed novel to secondary school classrooms based on its repeated invocation […]

Joseph Csicsila To Kick Off The Spring 2017 “Trouble Begins” Lecture Series

The spring portion of the 2017 The Trouble Begins Lecture Series, presented by the Center for Mark Twain Studies, starts Wednesday, April 26, at 7:00 p.m., in Peterson Chapel, Cowles Hall at Elmira College.  The lecture is free and open to the public. The first lecture, “‘These Hideous Times:’ Mark Twain’s Bankruptcy and the Panic of 1893,” presented by Joseph Csicsila, takes a look at an old standby of Twain biography that Mark Twain was […]

CMTS Announces Winners of the Elmira College “Portraying Mark Twain” Art Contest

The Center for Mark Twain Studies is pleased to announce four winning entries for the “Portraying Mark Twain” Art Competition, a contest that has been ongoing from September 2016 through March 2017. The artists include Janine Velardi’19 (photo), Kaitlyn Ritz’18 (mixed media), Miranda Satterly’17 (digital drawing), and Nick Vanderwood’19 (chalk drawing). A panel of ten judges made up of Elmira College faculty and staff made the selections from entries that […]


The lecture schedule for Elmira 2017: The Eighth International Conference on the State of Mark Twain Studies is now available. Over three days, participants of the conference will have access to twenty thematic paper sessions, consisting of sixty individual papers. In addition, participants can attend eight topic-focused panels, including: “The Assault of Laughter: A Roundtable” (Judith Yaross Lee, Chair) “The Place of Mark Twain in Digital Humanities Today” (Jeanne Campbell […]


The Center for Mark Twain Studies offers nine Quarry Farm fellowships for 2018 to any scholar working in the field of Mark Twain Studies at any career stage, giving Fellows the opportunity to work on academic or creative projects at Quarry Farm, the family home of Twain’s sister- and brother-in-law, Susan and Theodore Crane. Twain and his family lived at Quarry Farm for over twenty summers. During this time, in […]

“Adieu, Dear Friend”: A Tribute To Victor Doyno, the First Quarry Farm Fellow

Gretchen Sharlow is the Director Emerita of the Elmira College Center for Mark Twain Studies.  Two downloadable lectures from Victor Doyno are available at the end of Director Sharlow’s rememberance.  By showcasing Professor Doyno’s contributions to Mark Twain Studies and his support to CMTS, we hope to honor this seminal Twain scholar.   Victor Doyno died on November 16, 2016, at the age of 79. Dr. Doyno contributed significantly to […]

Judith Yaross Lee to Conclude the Fall 2016 “Trouble Begins at Eight” Series

Samuel L. Clemens pioneered a modern understanding of the new information economy emerging in the U.S. in the years after the Civil War because he understood and marketed Mark Twain as a brand-name comic commodity. Judith Yaross Lee explains how Clemens managed the Mark Twain brand by extending it to some activities, excluding it from others, and exploiting its modern conception of the self in his public performances.   Judith […]

CMTS Sponsors Mark Twain Writing & Art Competitions for Elmira College Students

The Center for Mark Twain Studies is sponsoring two competitions: The 24th Annual Mark Twain Writing Contest & The “Portraying Mark Twain” Art Competition. Both contests are open to all Elmira College students. 

A Tour of Huck Finn’s America

On Monday, November 30th, as part of our celebration of Mark Twain’s 180th birthday, Elmira College will host Andrew Levy. Earlier this year, Dr. Levy’s book, Huck Finn’s America, became something of a lightning rod in perpetual debates about the purpose and prescience of Twain’s most famous novel. Discussion of Dr. Levy’s argument spilled out of the pages of academic journals and into popular publications like The New York Times, […]