Close Reading Feudalism(s) in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn with James Phelan (A Project Narrative Crossover)
James Phelan and Matt Seybold read and discuss the Shepherdsons and Grangerfords episode.
James Phelan and Matt Seybold read and discuss the Shepherdsons and Grangerfords episode.
A wonderful essay by Shelley Fisher Fishkin originally published in the Japanese literary journal, Mark Twain Studies.
For her article “Mark Twain’s Modernism” in J19.
Last week The Journal of Transnational American Studies published a Special Forum on Global Huck: Mapping the Cultural Work of Translations of Mark Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. The forum features ten essays and two bibliographic appendixes exploring the translation and reception of Twain’s novel is a wide range of cultural contexts. The Center For Mark Twain Studies is excited to share an excerpt from the editorial introduction to the […]
Apple | Spotify | Google | Stitcher | TuneIn | CastBox | ListenNotes A new episode of The American Vandal Podcast features the co-editors of Teaching With Tension: Race, Resistance, & Reality in The Classrooom (Northwestern, 2019). In their introduction to this collection, they write that the book “advances pedagogical scholarship by examining the discourse of race in a particular cultural moment when the idea of postraciality and color-blind logics […]
In 2020, Princeton unsealed an archive left behind by a fairly anonymous teacher and dramatist with a very famous friend…
New episode of The American Vandal Podcast focuses on The Mandalorian and Twainian SciFi
Brook Thomas discusses the myths of Reconstruction on new episode of The American Vandal.
In 1992, Gore Vidal used Mark Twain’s characters to allegorize what he believed might be the last U.S. presidential election.
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