The Age of Insecurity (A Tale of Today, Episode #1)

The American Vandal Podcast launches its eleventh series, “A Tale of Today,” marking the 150th year of Mark Twain’s first novel, “The Gilded Age.”

Close Reading Feudalism(s) in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn with James Phelan (A Project Narrative Crossover)

James Phelan and Matt Seybold read and discuss the Shepherdsons and Grangerfords episode.

Netflix Necrocapitalism & The House of Usher with Jane Hu & Phillip Maciak

A new season kicks off with a discussion of the recent Neflix adaptation of Edgar Allen Poe’s “The Fall Of The House of Usher.”

Unlearning Racism: What Roles Can Works By Mark Twain Play in An Anti-Racist Pedagogy?

A wonderful essay by Shelley Fisher Fishkin originally published in the Japanese literary journal, Mark Twain Studies.