The Age of Insecurity (A Tale of Today, Episode #1)
The American Vandal Podcast launches its eleventh series, “A Tale of Today,” marking the 150th year of Mark Twain’s first novel, “The Gilded Age.”
The American Vandal Podcast launches its eleventh series, “A Tale of Today,” marking the 150th year of Mark Twain’s first novel, “The Gilded Age.”
It has been 150 years since Mary Ann Cord recounted the story of her separation from and reunion with her exceptional son.
James Phelan and Matt Seybold read and discuss the Shepherdsons and Grangerfords episode.
A new season kicks off with a discussion of the recent Neflix adaptation of Edgar Allen Poe’s “The Fall Of The House of Usher.”
A wonderful essay by Shelley Fisher Fishkin originally published in the Japanese literary journal, Mark Twain Studies.
The tripartite finale of “Criticism LTD.”
A collection of Mark Twain’s 1867 dispatches from Palestine.
What is the relationship between literary criticism and media studies? How has criticism adapted to the digital revolution?
“This wearer aggrandizes the watch, not the watch the wearer”
What is the political economy of New Criticism? Are the racist and reactionary Cold War politics of the New Critics immanent to their trademark method: close reading?