Below you will find an index of original scholarly materials created exclusively for

Alphabetical Order by Author
Updated as of Tuesday, April 18, 2023
- Alvarado, Diandra, “Livy Clemens & Mark Twain’s Moment of Enlightenment”
- Alzaroo, Lubna, “Encountering Mark Twain in Palestine”
- The American Vandal Podcast (from this page you can link to homepages for individual episodes, which include bibliographies, guest bios, etc.)
- Ball, Nathaniel, “Rev. Thomas K. Beecher Presides Over the Memorial For Susy Clemens”
- Bates, Courtney, “Mark Twain Expected Us to Read His Fan Mail”
- Beidler, Peter G., “Building A Model of Huck and Jim’s Raft”
- Beydoun, Mona & Samantha DeRosia, “2018 Undergraduate Quarry Farm Fellows Interview Filmmakers Aaron & Adam Nee about Their Adaptation of Tom Sawyer“
- Bronson-Bartlett, Blake and Terry Catapano, “The John T. Lewis Story: A Repeat Epistolary Performance”
- Bianculli, David, “Mark Twain: Television Star”
- Bossart van Otterloo, Bridget, “Plein Air Painting at Quarry Farm (A Quarry Farm Testimonial)”
- Caddell, Jillian Spivey, “A Caring Man’: Remembering John W. Jones & Mark Twain in Elmira”
- Caddell, Jillian Spivey, “A Writer’s Table (A Quarry Farm Testimonial)”
- Cadle, Nathaniel, “Contemplating Nineteenth-Century Print Culture (A Quarry Farm Testimonial)”
- Caron, James, “Humor Scholar James E. Caron Discusses His New Book On ‘Truthiness'”
- Cavitch, Max, “Living the Life (A Quarry Farm Testimonial)”
- Chadwick, Jocelyn, “The Journey Motif: Poetry & Mark Twain, Part I”
- Chadwick, Jocelyn, “The Journey Motif: Poetry & Mark Twain, Part II”
- Chadwick, Jocelyn, “21st-Century Students Respond to Sensitive Texts”
- Chadwick, Jocelyn, “When Will We Listen? Mark Twain Through The Lens of Generation Z”
- Chadwick, Jocelyn and Matt Seybold, “‘And that has made all the difference’: Scaffolding Mark Twain’s Poetry”
- Click, Ben, “Editor’s Re:Marks (Introduction to the 2020 Mark Twain Annual)”
- Courtney, Steve, “The Beginnings of The Hartford House, Part I”
- Courtney, Steve, “The Beginnings of The Harford House, Part II”
- Courtney, Steve, “The Handsomest Man That Ever Was: Twain’s Joseph Twichell”
- Csicsila, Joseph, “The Legacy of Lawrence I. Berkove”
- Dawidziak, Mark, “Hal Holbrook: An Appreciation, An Obituary, A Remembrance, A Friendship”
- Dawidziak, Mark, “Mark Dawidziak Celebrates Will Vinton, Oscar-Winning Director, producer, and Revolutionary Animator”
- Dawidziak, Mark, “The Impact & Importance of Hal Holbrook’s Mark Twain Tonight!“
- DeMarco, Laura, “Wild To Move: Mark Twain in Cleveland”
- DeRusha, Courtney, “At Home With Susan Crane (A Quarry Farm Testimonial)”
- Dierckx, Hiedi, “Elmira Archaeology Students Explore Mystery Structure at Quarry Farm”
- Douglass, Frederick, “The Lessons of Emancipation to The New Generation”
- Driscoll, Kerry, “Kerry Driscoll Discusses The Inspiration for Her New Book, Based on Research That Began at Elmira College in 1986”
- Eutsey, Dwayne, “A Connecticut Yankee in the New Gilded Age”
- Eutsey, Dwayne, “A Tragic Spring for Joe Twichell”
- Eutsey, Dwayne, “An Amazing Job: Frederick Douglass, Mark Twain & President…Garfield”
- Eutsey, Dwayne, “An Unlikely Patron of Civil Rights Jurisprudence”
- Eutsey, Dwayne, “Dave Chappelle, Richard Pryor, & The Mark Twain Prize”
- Eutsey, Dwayne, “Dreaming India The Marvelous & Mark Twain’s Mysterious Stranger”
- Eutsey, Dwayne, “Happy Halloween!: Twain’s Favorite Ghost Story and Twain Speaks from the Netherworld”
- Eutsey, Dwayne, “Mark Twain, The Mason: Anticipating The Premiere of Mark Twain’s Journey to Jerusalem“
- Eutsey, Dwayne, “Never In A Hurry To Believe: The Theology of Adventures of Huckleberry Finn“
- Eutsey, Dwayne, “Of Walls & Wangdoodles”
- Eutsey, Dwayne, “‘One of the Best Men I Have Ever Known’: Mark Twain’s Friendship with Rev. Thomas K. Beecher”
- Eutsey, Dwayne, “‘One of the Best Men I Have Ever Known’: Happy Birthday, Thomas K. Beecher”
- Eutsey, Dwayne, “Remembering Reverend Conway: Mark Twain’s Second Favorite Clergyman”
- Eutsey, Dwayne, “Scrub Angels and Practical Cats at Quarry Farm”
- Eutsey, Dwayne, “‘That Friendless Child’s Noise Would Make You Glad’: Unremembered Slaves on Frederick Douglass Day”
- Eutsey, Dwayne, “The Alternative Facts of 1863: Mark Twain’s ‘A Bloody Massacre Near Carson'”
- Eutsey, Dwayne, “The ‘Earthiness’ of Mark Twain in Western Film & TV”
- Eutsey, Dwayne, “The Mugwump Bump: Mark Twain, Independent Politics, & The Election of 1884”
- Ezell, Kaine, “The Android & The Icon: Mark Twain’s Appearance on Star Trek: The Next Generation“
- Fishkin, Shelley Fisher, “A Bouquet of Birthday Wishes from Mark Twain Scholars to Hal Holbrook on His 94th Birthday: What ‘Mark Twain Tonight!’ Means to Us”
- Fishkin, Shelley Fisher, “Hal Holbrook’s Timeless Gift: The Performance of A Lifetime”
- Gardaphe, Fred, “Living Literature: My Stay At Quarry Farm (A Quarry Farm Testimonial)”
- Garvey, Ellen Gruber, “How Mark Twain Supported Women’s Suffrage”
- Garvey, Ellen Gruber, “Who Tells The Story?: The Scrapbook of Warner McGuinn, A Civil Rights Activist in Mark Twain’s Shadow”
- Gilbert, Christopher, “The U.S. in a Comic Looking Glass: Caricature & National Character”
- Harris, Susan K., “Elmira Girl Marries Hannibal Boy (And the Rest Is Literary History)”
- Harris, Susan K., “Mark Twain, Suffragette Ally & Overprotective Father”
- Harris, Susan K., “Quarry Farm, A Thank You Note (A Quarry Farm Testimonial)”
- Hellwig, Harold H., “150 years of Innocents Abroad: The American Vandal in Venice”
- Hernandez, Aleksandra, “Reflections on The Uses of Disgust in Twain’s Animal Stories (A Quarry Farm Testimonial)”
- Heryford, Ryan, “Harvesting: A Thank You To Quarry Farm (A Quarry Farm Testimonial)”
- Hood, Clifton, “Quarrying the Twain Research Library (A Quarry Farm Testimonial)”
- Howard, Mallory, “Fellowship, Friendship, & Felines…Oh My! (A Quarry Farm Testimonial)”
- Howe, Larry, “Black Lives Matter at Quarry Farm”
- Howe, Larry, “April in Elmira & Redding (A Quarry Farm Testimonial)”
- Jao, Charline, “Joking Aside: Jon Stewart & The Mark Twain Prize”
- Johnson-Schmidt, Elise, “CMTS Obtains Historically Relevant Furniture For Quarry Farm Porch”
- Jordan, Steve, “A Feeble Salute To Mark Twain” (A Quarry Farm Testimonial)”
- Jyothinagaram, Maya and Emilia Murphy, “To The Country Sitting In Darkness: Mark Twain’s Satirical Debate On American Diplomacy”
- Kassam, Hamada, “Mark Twain in Damascus: A Quest for Immortality”
- Kassam, Hamada, “Tom Sawyer Had A Dream and It Shot Him”
- Kather, Jan, “Mark Twain & Controversial Art”
- Kather, Jan, “‘The Obscenest Picture The World Possesses’: A Twainian Homage to John Berger, George Michael, David Bowie, Prince”
- Ketterer, David, “Recalling ‘Epoch-Eclipse & Apocalypse’ & Anticipating August 21 Eclipse”
- Ladd, Barbara, “Writing & Discovery at Quarry Farm (A Quarry Farm Testimonial)”
- Lemak, Joe, “C19 Podcast Focuses on John W. Jones, important Elmira historical figure”
- Lemak, Joe, “CMTS Launches the Quarry Farm Preservation Campaign – And Needs You!”
- Lemak, Joe, “Mark Twain Day By Day 150 Years Ago – January 1871 – Buffalo – Twain Accused of Plagiarism”
- Lemak, Joe, “Mark Twain Day By Day 150 Years Ago – February 7, 1871 – Twain’s Trip to Washington, D.C.”
- Lemak, Joe, “Mark Twain Day By Day 150 Years Ago – March 3, 1871 – A Long, Hard Winter in Buffalo”
- Lemak, Joe, “Mark Twain Day By Day: The Day Mark Twain Defended A Serial Killer”
- Lemak, Joe, “Mark Twain, Mary Baker Eddy, and The News”
- Lieberman, Jennifer L., “The Shocking Truth About Mark Twain’s Fascination with Electricity”
- Lovell, Cindy, “Host of Hannibal: A Tribute to Henry Sweets”
- Mark Twain Circle of America, “Mark Twain Circle of America Issues Statement of Solidarity With Protesters Against Police Brutality”
- McCall, Corey, “Adorno’s Tom Sawyer”
- McLaughlin, Don James, “Germ: A Growing Point. A Bud. (A Quarry Farm Testimonial)”
- McNemee, Deborah Eades, “Twain for Teachers: Why not Mark Twain’s “A Medieval Romance”?
- Melton, Jeffrey, “An Ode to The Innocents Abroad“
- Melton, Jeffrey, “Athens By Moonlight: Mark Twain Tours Ancient Greece In The Innocents Abroad“
- Michelson, Bruce, “The Mad Monk & Not-So-Distant Mirror of Mark Twain (A Quarry Farm Testimonial)”
- Millard, Frances, “Quarry Farm Carpet Leaves for Thirty Years, Goes to Turkey, and Comes Back Home”
- Morris, Linda A., “The Quietest Place (A Quarry Farm Testimonial)”
- Muller, John, “A Tale of Today: Mark Twain on Impeachment”
- Nance, Sarah, “On Top of the Hill: Losing and Living at Quarry Farm (A Quarry Farm Testimonial)”
- Neider, Charles, “Mark Twain & The Russians: An Exchange of Views”
- Obenzinger, Hilton, “Getting Innocent”
- Pascal, John, “Twain for Teachers: 88 Days In the Mother Lode Documentary”
- Pascal John, “Twain for Teachers: Mark Your Own Patent Medicine”
- Pasqualina, Stephen, “Mark Twain’s Modernism”
- Pasqualina, Stephen, “Visions of History at Quarry Farm (A Quarry Farm Testimonial)”
- Pfeffer, Miki, “Grace King: The Clemens Family’s Friend From New Orleans”
- Pfeffer, Miki, “Through A Southern Woman Writer’s Eyes: Seeing the Man in A New Orleans Author in Mark Twain’s Court: Letters from Grace King’s New England Sojourns“
- Rankin, Alan, “Finding the Lost Diaries of Mark Twain’s Granddaughter, Nina Gabrilowitsch”
- Rankin, Alan, “Six Degrees of Samuel Clemens (A Quarry Farm Testimonial)”
- Reesman, Jeanne Campbell, “From Innocent to India: Mark Twain’s Evolving Sympathies”
- Reigstad, Thomas, “Mark Twain’s Father-in-Law’s Monopoly: A Breif History of the J.Langdon Coal Company”
- Reigstad, Thomas, “New Documentary Focuses on Twain’s Time in Buffalo”
- Rice, Laura, “No Place Like Home (A Quarry Farm Testimonial)”
- Roark, Jarrod, “Gallows Without Humor: How I Mined Mark Twain’s Western Violence”
- Schmidt, Barbara, “Mark Twain, Mad Magazine, & Old Crow Whiskey”
- Schocken, Merav, “On Material Sanctity (A Quarry Farm Testimonial)”
- Seybold, Matt, “150 Years Ago Mark Twain Celebrated New Year’s Eve By Debating How Drunk He Had Been During The Preceding Year & Listening to Charles Dickens Read David Copperfield With His Future Wife”
- Seybold, Matt, “150 Years of Mark Twain in Elmira: Dickens Holidays, The Gospel of Revolt & The Quarry Farm Style”
- Seybold, Matt, “150 Years of The Revised Catechism”
- Seybold, Matt, “A Loving & Clairvoyant Parasite: George Steiner in ‘The Archives of Eden'”
- Seybold, Matt, “A Mark Twain Studies Primer”
- Seybold, Matt, “Ah Shucks, Satan!: Mark Twain’s Style, Quantified”
- Seybold, Matt, “Amy Kaplan & The McDonaldization of Mark Twain”
- Seybold, Matt, “The Blue Jays Play Their Home Opener On The Site of Mark Twain’s Buffalo Boarding House”
- Seybold, Matt, “Broken Idol: An Encomium for Hal Bush”
- Seybold, Matt, “Brutal Things Must Be Said: James Baldwin on Huckleberry Finn“
- Seybold, Matt, “Buried In The Rose Garden, And The Coroner Notified: Bill Clinton, Gore Vidal, & the Electoral Burlesque”
- Seybold, Matt, “‘Buy It, Laugh, & Grow Fat’: The 1869 Reviews of Mark Twain’s The Innocents Abroad“
- Seybold, Matt, “Death at Christmastime: Mark Twain & The Music of Merciful Release”
- Seybold, Matt, “Drinking with Twain: A Rare Manuscript”
- Seybold, Matt, “Even If He Weren’t My Friend: Frederick Douglass & Mark Twain”
- Seybold, Matt, “Hanging The Crane in Hartford: Mark Twain’s 39th Birthday”
- Seybold, Matt, “In Memory of Noted Twain Scholar, Carl Dolmetsch”
- Seybold, Matt, “Life, In Arbitrage (A Twainiac Quarantine Diary)”
- Seybold, Matt, “Life, In Purgatory (A Twainiac Quarantine Diary)”
- Seybold, Matt, “Mark Twain in Elmira: A Short Film”
- Seybold, Matt, “Mark Twain: Lovesick at Christmas”
- Seybold, Matt, “Mark Twain: Santa Claus Impersonator”
- Seybold, Matt, “Mark Twain, Gore Vidal, & The Nadirs of U.S. Electoral History”
- Seybold, Matt, “Mark Twain Wishes ‘A Happy New Year” with 1876 Postcard”
- Seybold, Matt, “Mark Twain’s 43rd Thanksgiving”
- Seybold, Matt, “Mark Twain’s Portfolio: Existential Hedging & The United Fruit Company”
- Seybold, Matt, “Mark Twain’s Portfolio: Hell-Hound Rogers, Anaconda Copper, & The Spider Aristocracy of Finance”
- Seybold, Matt, “Mark Twain’s ‘The War Prayer’ Excites 21st-Century Artists & Activists”
- Seybold, Matt, “Neoliberal Rationality in The Old Gilded Age: Introductory Address at 2018 Quarry Farm Symposium”
- Seybold, Matt, “On April 21st, Easter Sunday…”
- Seybold, Matt, “‘Put the Reader through Hell’: In Memory of Toni Morrison, Twain Scholar”
- Seybold, Matt, “Sam & Livy Clemens: Married & Buried in Elmira”
- Seybold, Matt, “Silent Work in Elmira: Letters from the Wilbur H. Siebert Underground Railroad Collection”
- Seybold, Matt, “#StagecoachLife: 150 Years of Mark Twain’s Roughing It“
- Seybold, Matt, “Teachers Convene at Quarry Farm and Elmira College to Discuss Mark Twain and Generation Z”
- Seybold, Matt, “Thanksgiving at Quarry Farm, 1897”
- Seybold, Matt, “Thanksgiving Steeple-Jumping: The Sesquicentennial of Mark Twain’s ‘Conditional’ Engagement”
- Seybold, Matt, “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: Not Just for English Majors”
- Seybold, Matt, “The Apocryphal Twain: ‘America is Built on a Tilt And Everything Loose Slides to California’ (Plus Things Mark Twain Really Said About California!)”
- Seybold, Matt, “The Apocryphal Twain: ‘Golf Is A Good Walk Spoiled'”
- Seybold, Matt, “The Apocryphal Twain: ‘I Have Never Let Schooling Interfere With My Education'”
- Seybold, Matt, “The Apocryphal Twain: ‘If Voting Made Any Difference, They Wouldn’t Let Us Do It'”
- Seybold, Matt, “The Apocryphal Twain: ‘If You Don’t Read The Newspaper, You’re Uninformed. If You Do, You’re Misinformed”
- Seybold, Matt, “The Apocryphal Twain: ‘It Is Easier To Con A Man Than To Convince Him He Has Been Conned'”
- Seybold, Matt, “The Apocryphal Twain: ‘It’s Not The Size of the Dog In The Fight, But The Size of The Fight In The Dog”
- Seybold, Matt, “The Apocryphal Twain: ‘Kindness Is Language The Deaf Can Hear”
- Seybold, Matt, “The Apocryphal Twain: ‘Never argue with stupid people. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.”
- Seybold, Matt, “The Apocryphal Twain: ‘Politicians Are Like Diapers'”
- Seybold, Matt, “The Apocryphal Twain: Ron Chernow’s Encomium to the American Press at the White House Correspondents Dinner Ends on a False Note”
- Seybold, Matt, “The Apocryphal Twain: ‘The Things You Didn’t Do”
- Seybold, Matt, “The Apocryphal Twain: ‘The Two Most Important Days of Your Life…'”
- Seybold, Matt, “The Apocryphal Twain: ‘Things We Know That Just Ain’t So.”
- Seybold, Matt, “The Apocryphal Twain: Tom Wolfe Memorial Edition”
- Seybold, Matt, “The Apocryphal Twain: ‘When The Rich Rob The Poor, It’s Called Business”
- Seybold, Matt, “The Apocryphal Twain: ‘Writing is easy. All you have to do is cross out the wrong words.'”
- Seybold, Matt, “The Benediction of A Kiss This Christmas Morning”
- Seybold, Matt, “The Best Defense Is A Good Offense: False Virtue, Fake News, & Mark Twain’s Birthday Roast of Ben Franklin”
- Seybold, Matt, “The Calculated Incivility of Anson Burlingame, The Only Congressman Mark Twain Could Tolerate”
- Seybold, Matt, “The Fickle Affections of The Elmira Advertiser for Frederick Douglass”
- Seybold, Matt, “‘The Gospel of Revolt: Mark Twain in Elmira’: An Episode of the C19: America In the Nineteenth Century Podcast, Featuring Hal Holbrook”
- Seybold, Matt, “‘The Greatest Showman’ vs. ‘The World’s Greatest Laughmaker'”
- Seybold, Matt, “The Nastiest Things Mark Twain Said About Teddy Roosevelt”
- Seybold, Matt, “The Park Church Culture Into Which Mark Twain Married: An Introduction to ‘Mark Twain’s Music Box'”
- Seybold, Matt, “‘The Texan Steer’: A Rediscovered Sketch by Mark Twain?”
- Seybold, Matt, “The Twain Doctrine”
- Seybold, Matt, “The Twain Doctrine: Citizen Holbrook & The Geopolitics of Colloquial Humor”
- Seybold, Matt, “‘The White House Funeral’ by Mark Twain”
- Seybold, Matt, “Twain for Teachers: Huckleberry Finn in the Era of Resurgent Bigotry”
- Seybold, Matt, “What Was Mark Twain Doing The Last Time The Cubs Won The World Series?”
- Seybold, Matt, “You Could Get Bookings: A Review of Holbrook/Twain“
- Shannon, Edward, “Away from the Feuds at Quarry Farm (A Quarry Farm Testimonial)”
- Sharlow, Gretchen, “‘Adieu, Dear Friend’: A Tribute to Victor Doyno, The First Quarry Farm Fellow”
- Silver, Ariel, “Searching For Even In Twain’s Garden of Eden (A Quarry Farm Testimonial)”
- Stanleigh, Andy, “The Untold Story of the Making of the Fantastical, Historically Inaccurate, Adventurous, and Mysterious Mark Twain’s Niagara, Book 1 Graphic Novel”
- Sugimura, Atsushi, “‘I Killed Thirty-Eight Persons’: Sam Clemens & The Sioux Wars, 1862-1876”
- Thompson, Todd N., “Writing, Roosting, Roistering: Two Weeks at Quarry Farm (A Quarry Farm Testimonial)
- Trombley, Laura Skandera, “A Disturbing Passion?: Mark Twain & The Angelfish”
- Trombley, Laura Skandera, “‘Mark Twain & Libation’: A Talk by The 2017 Louis J. Budd Award Winner”
- Trombley, Laura Skandera, “Quarry Farm Redux (A Quarry Farm Testimonial)”
- Turim-Nygren, Mika, “Twainadventures: Life & Learning at Quarry Farm (A Quarry Farm Testimonial)”
- Various Scholars, “Twain Scholars Pay Tribute to Hal Holbrook & Mark Twain Tonight!“
- Webb, Steve, “Dispatches from Quarry Farm: A House of Fiction”
- Webb, Steve, “Dispatches from Quarry Farm: A Tree Named Lewis”
- Webb, Steve, “Dispatches from Quarry Farm: Autumn Arrives”
- Webb, Steve, “Dispatches from Quarry Farm: Distance Lends Enchantment to The View”
- Webb, Steve, “Dispatches from Quarry Farm: Huck! Speak Up. We Need You.”
- Webb, Steve, “Dispatches from Quarry Farm: I’m Lookin Out The Window Again”
- Webb, Steve, “Dispatches from Quarry Farm: It’s Definitely The Cat”
- Webb, Steve, “Dispatches from Quarry Farm: Sympathetic Funk”
- Webb, Steve, “Dispatches from Quarry Farm: The Allium”
- Webb, Steve, “Dispatches from Quarry Farm: The Cat, Plays Bass.”
- Webb, Steve, “Dispatches from Quarry Farm: The First Snow”
- Webb, Steve, “Dispatches from Quarry Farm: The Last Cigar of the Next Caretaker”
- Webb, Steve, “Dispatches from Quarry Farm: The New Guy”
- Webb, Steve, “Dispatches from Quarry Farm: The Quadrennial”
- Williams, Nathaniel, “Gears & God: What Powered Twain’s Speculative Fiction?”
- VanDette, Emily, “Celebrity Authors for A Cause: The Anti-Vivisection Connection between Mark Twain & Elizabeth Stuart Phelps”
- Young, Melissa Scholes, “The Crane House Speaks (A Quarry Farm Testimonial)