Ryan’s Trouble Begins Lecture Now Available
Ryan discusses the complex legacy of race and racism in Twain’s writings and in Mark Twain Studies itself
Ryan discusses the complex legacy of race and racism in Twain’s writings and in Mark Twain Studies itself
Lecture takes place at Quarry Farm on Wednesday, May 24 (7:00pm)
All CMTS lectures are free and open to the public. We hope to see you at Quarry Farm
New American Vandal Podcast series centers on Kerry Driscoll’s groundbreaking book, “Mark Twain Among The Indians & Other Indigenous Peoples.”
Virtual lecture will take place on Wednesday, May 4 at 7:00PM
For the registration form and full Institute schedule, click here. The Center for Mark Twain Studies is once again collaborating with the Schuyler-Chemung- Tioga-Corning Teachers’ Center to offer the 2018 Summer Teachers’ Institute in July (Tuesday, July 10 and Wednesday, July 11). This two-day institute is held in the Gannett-Tripp Library on the Elmira College campus and at Quarry Farm. The theme this year is “Mark Twain In Color.” Join […]
My name is Mac Morrison, I am an undergraduate student at Tulane University. I’ve loved Mark Twain’s books since I was a very small child, and I’d like to gain a deeper understanding of the man and his work. In most academic fields there seem to be a short list of works by modern scholars that are considered canonical within the field, and I was just wondering if you might […]