CFP: Mark Twain Circle at the 2022 American Literature Association Conference in Chicago, IL (May 26-29, 2022)
The Mark Twain Circle of America is calling for proposals for two sessions at the 2022 American Literature Association Conference, scheduled to take place at Chicago’s Palmer House Hilton, May 26-29, 2022.
Session 1 Title: “Not Your Granddaddy’s Mark Twain”
Call: The Mark Twain Circle of America invites timely, innovative proposals from transdisciplinary approaches. We are interested in discussions that show how Mark Twain’s work reflects social constructions of human identities, intersections, and interactions such as (but not exclusive to) Queer, Non-human, Feminist, Trauma, Posthumanist, Eco-Critical, Colonial or Critical Race Studies. Please send a short vita and 2-p proposals to Susan K. Harris ([email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>) no later than December 15, 2021.
Session 2 Title: “Pandemic Twain”
Call: Olivia and Sam Clemens’ marriage was marked by illnesses of all kinds. Both were passionately interested in scientific developments, especially medical breakthroughs. The Mark Twain Circle seeks papers exploring the Clemens family’s engagements with doctors, treatments, and medical establishments in the U.S., Europe, and during Sam, Livy, and Clara’s 1895-96 journey around the world. Please send short vita and 2-p proposals to Susan K. Harris ([email protected]) no later than December 15, 2021.