Mark Twain Forum Reviews: “Cartoons and Caricatures of Mark Twain in Context: Reformer and Social Critic, 1869-1910”

Barbara Schmidt reviews Myrick’s and Scharnhorst’s first step in establishing a finding list of Twain photographs, portraits, and cartoons

Mark Twain Forum Reviews: “Gravity: Selected Letters of Olivia Langdon Clemens”

Kevin Mac Donnell gives a review of Barbara Snedecor’s new edition of Livy’s letters

MARK TWAIN FORUM BOOK REVIEWS: “Mark Twain at The Gallows: Crime and Justice in His Western Writing” by Jarrod D. Roark

Kevin Mac Donnell reviews a new book which focuses on Twain’s time in West

Mark Twain Forum Reviews: Mark Twain’s Literary Resources: A Reconstruction of His Library and Reading (Volume 1) by Alan Gribben

Kevin Mac Donnell’s review of an important resource tool for Twain scholars