CFP: American Humor Studies at ALA Conference in San Diego, CA (May 21-24, 2020)

American Humor Studies Association at the 2020 American Literature Association Conference
AHSA is currently calling for abstracts for two panels:
Panel #1 – The American Humor Studies Association seeks abstracts for a session titled “Take my husband … please: Humor and the Home”*for the American Literature Association annual conference in San Diego, Calif., May 21-24, 2020.
AHSA welcomes submissions that explore literary, visual, and performative examples of how American humor has been deployed to critique, analyze, and respond to life in the private sphere: from the physical home, to family life, to sexuality. Abstracts may propose analyses of specific texts and images, from any time frame or medium, including biography, political cartoons, social media, films, plays, television, and stand-up comedy.
Please email a brief CV and 300-word abstract (and please indicate any audio/visual needs) by December 16, 2019 to Teresa Prados-Torreira ([email protected]) using “Humor and the Home” as the subject line. All panelists will need to be current members of AHS
Panel #2 – The American Humor Studies Association seeks abstracts for an “Open-Topic” session for the American Literature Association annual conference in San Diego, May
21-24, 2020.
AHSA encourages submissions on any topic related to American humor for this session.
Please email a brief CV and 300-word abstract (and please indicate any audio/visual needs) by December 16, 2019 to Teresa Prados-Torreira ([email protected]) using “Open Topic Panel” as the subject line. All panelists will need to be current members of AHSA.