“The Greatest Pie Ever Baked By Arbitragers”: Mark Twain, Gore Vidal, The Lies of Empire & Other Sad Truths
On Gore Vidal’s Italian adaptation of Mark Twain’s “To The Person Sitting in Darkness.”
On Gore Vidal’s Italian adaptation of Mark Twain’s “To The Person Sitting in Darkness.”
It has been 150 years since Mary Ann Cord recounted the story of her separation from and reunion with her exceptional son.
A collection of Mark Twain’s 1867 dispatches from Palestine.
But for this promise, made by a famously itinerant and oft-inebriated author in the wee hours of Christmas morning 154 years ago, the Elmira College Center for Mark Twain Studies would not exist.
Susan K. Harris and Bruce Michelson have been fixtures of Twain Studies since the 1980s. Their publications have helped shape the field during that time, but their contributions go well beyond books and articles.
Hal Holbrook was, briefly, an agent of the US government in the Cultural Cold War with the Soviet Union.
Viral apocrypha associated with January 6 hearings.
The midcentury resurgence of interest in Mark Twain’s life and work was fueled by the propaganda operations of both the U.S. and U.S.S.R.
Mark the 150th anniversary of the publication of Mark Twain’s Roughing It by joining a discussion of the book with CMTS’s resident scholar.
Get rich. Dishonestly if we can; honestly if we must.