Quarry Farm Architectural History Now Available

In 2018 The Center for Mark Twain Studies was awarded funding from the New York State Department of Parks, Preservation, and Historic Preservation through the Environmental Protection Fund. The sole purpose of this funding was the acquisition of a historic structure report for Quarry Farm. A historic structure report is a document prepared by professional preservation architects. The document is a primary planning document for decision-making regarding Quarry Farm’s preservation and related maintenance. It prioritizes work to be completed, estimates costs, discusses philosophical issues related to the structure’s preservation, and lists long-term priorities that should be considered for preserving the building.
It also compiles the structure’s architectural history and significance as it relates to the individuals who built, altered, and occupied it – namely, Jervis Langdon, Susan Crane, and Sam & Olivia Clemens.
After a formal bidding process, CMTS commissioned Johnson-Schmidt & Associates, Architects to complete a historic structures report for Quarry Farm, led by Elise Johnson-Schmidt (owner and principal architect).
The document below comprises the most extensive document on the architectural history of Quarry Farm. It includes the following:
- Summary of Findings
- Introduction
- Developmental History of Quarry Farm
- Historical Background and Context
- Chronology of Development and Use
- Physical Description
- Character Defining Features
- Evaluation of Significance
CMTS hopes that this will be a useful resource for further research and investigation by Mark Twain Studies scholars and others.