Four Downloadable “Trouble Begins” Lectures Now Available

Four lectures from the long-running CMTS “Trouble Begins” lecture series are now available for download in a variety of different formats, including MP3 and Apple Lossless.
We will continue to add more past lectures, including talks from some of the most famous scholars of Mark Twain Studies, including Henry Nash Smith, Louis Budd, and Michael Kiskis. Additionally, we will post the most recent lectures to this website as soon as possible, from senior scholars and rising stars in academia and the creative arts. Now, wherever you are and at your convenience, you can listen to lectures from some of the most important people involved in the study of Mark Twain and his literature.
All of the available and forthcoming lectures can be found on the Internet Archives hosting site by using the following link: Trouble Begins Lectures.

The four “Trouble Begins” lectures include:
- Matthew Seybold, “The Making of Chimerica: Globalization, Economics, and Mark Twain’s ‘Fable of the Yellow Terror” (September 29, 2016 – Chemung Valley History Museum)
- Peter Messent, “You know the secret places of our hearts:’ The Mark Twain-Joe Twichell Letters” (October 19, 2016 – Quarry Farm Barn)
- Martin Zehr, “Dressing For Success: Mark Twain Fashions an Image to Suit His Disguise” (October 16, 2016 – Quarry Farm Barn)
- Judith Yaross Lee, “Mark Twain’s Brand: Comic Performance and the Modern American Self (November 2, 2016 – Cowles Hall – Elmira College Campus)