2020 Quarry Farm Symposium is Subject of Most Recent Episode of The American Vandal
The 2020 Quarry Farm Weekend Symposium took place exactly one month ago. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this year’s symposium was held online. You can watch all of the presentations on our YouTube channel.
The theme of the 2020 Symposium was “American Humor & Matters of Empire.” That title was borrowed from an essay by the symposium’s organizer, Dr. Judith Yaross Lee, originally published by Studies in American Humor and reprinted in the Symposium program.

Last week, Matt Seybold sat down with Dr. Lee to reflect on the Symposium, on the history of American Humor Studies, and the future of her project.

Dr. Lee recently retired from Ohio University where she was a Distinguished Professor of Communication Studies, the Charles E. Zumkehr Professor of Speech Communication, and Director of the Central Region Humanities Center.
In 2013, she published Twain’s Brand: Humor in Contemporary American Culture, one of the most important works of the last decade in Twain Studies. Her most recent book, co-edited with John Bird, is a collection of essays on MAD Magazine, titled Seeing Mad, which is scheduled for publication from University of Missouri Press next month and is currently available for preorder.
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