Quarry Farm Landscape History Now Available

In 2020 The Center for Mark Twain Studies was awarded funding from the Preservation League of New York State. The sole purpose of this funding was the acquisition of a cultural landscape report for Quarry Farm. According to the National Park Service website, a cultural landscape report (CLR) “is the principle treatment document for cultural landscapes and the primary tool for their long-term management. Management and treatment decisions are based on the character of the land, historical significance, and anticipated challenges to preservation. The CLR can be used in maintenance, interpretation, and planning.”
CMTS commissioned Martha Lyon Landscape Architecture, LLC to complete a cultural landscape report for Quarry Farm, led by Martha Lyon (owner and principal architect).
The document below comprises the most extensive document on the history of the landscape occupied by Quarry Farm. It includes the following:
- Introduction
- Quarry Farm Landscape in History
- Appendix
- Historical Chronology
- Existing Conditions Photographs
- Bibliography
CMTS hopes that this will be a useful resource for further research and investigation by Mark Twain Studies scholars and others.
A full version of the Quarry Farm Cultural Landscape Report is available in the Quarry Farm Library Collections and the Elmira College Mark Twain Archive.