Mark Twain Forum Reviews: “Mark Twain’s Tales of the Macabre & Mysterious”
Alan Gribben reviews Kent Rasmussen’s edited collection of Twain’s gothic texts.
Alan Gribben reviews Kent Rasmussen’s edited collection of Twain’s gothic texts.
David E.E. Sloane offers this review on a collection of essays focusing on THE ADVENTURES OF TOM SAWYER
Virtual lecture takes place on Wednesday, September 28 at 7:00pm
Editor’s Note: This is the first in what we hope will be an ongoing series focused on adapting Twain to the classroom. If you have an assignment, activity, lesson plan, syllabus design, or pedagogical narrative which you would like to share with other teachers, please consider writing it up (500-1200 words) and sending it [email protected]. Now approaching its third year, the English elective “Writings of Mark Twain” at Seton Hall […]