Join (or Renew) Your Membership in the Mark Twain Circle of America
One hundred and fifty years ago, a wise man said:
…nothing pleases a child so much as to be a member of something or other. Your rightly-constituted child don’t care shucks what it is, either.
-Mark Twain, Letter to the San Francisco Alta California, May 20, 1867; published July 7, 1867.
However, you don’t have to be a child to see the merits of membership in the Mark Twain Circle. Founded in 1986, the Mark Twain Circle has brought together a diverse group of people with a shared interest in Mark Twain.
We’re looking to add to the fold. So if you’re not yet a member – and you’re reading this, so you know you’re one of us unofficially – it’s time to make it official.
Go to the Mark Twain Circle of America homepage, where you can download a printable membership form, or even more convenient, you can complete an online form and pay dues by credit card, debit card, or via PayPal account.
Dues are very affordable. Students and K-12 educators can join for a mere $15; general membership is $30, and joining for three years is discounted to $75.
The benefits of membership include subscriptions to
- The Mark Twain Circular, our bi-annual newsletter, (electronic distribution), and
- The Mark Twain Annual, our literary journal published by Pennsylvania State University Press every fall.
The cover price for these publications (Mark Twain Annual alone is $68) makes membership a bargain.
We also sponsor panels at two academic conferences: American Literature Association (ALA), in May each year; and Modern Literature Association (MLA) in January each year. In addition to holding our own quadrennial conference jointly with the American Humor Association, the Mark Twain Circle supports and participates in the quadrennial conferences held at Elmira College and at the Mark Twain Boyhood Home and Museum in Hannibal, MO (held two years apart).
Your membership dues help support our publications, conferences, and the website where you can keep up with all things Twain.
If you’re already a member, it’s clear to us that you are our best resource. So we’re asking members to nominate anyone who you think would be interested in becoming a member – a friend, a colleague, a teacher, a student – anyone with an appreciation for Twain.
Please forward the names and email contacts for those who you think would like to receive our invitation to join by using the form below. Our invitation will tell them that they have been nominated for membership, so indicate to us if you would like us to identify you as a nominator or if you would prefer to remain anonymous.
Thank you for helping us to grow the Mark Twain Circle.
Kerry Driscoll, President
Larry Howe, Vice-president