CFP: Seminar Proposals for C19 2024 Conference
The C19 Executive Committee and Program Committee seek proposals for seminars and seminar leaders for the 2024 conference. Seminars provide participants the opportunity to workshop new writing around a particular topic. Each seminar has one or two leaders and is capped at 15 participants. Each participant submits a 5-page position paper before the conference to be read in advance by the other participants; time in the seminar itself is devoted to discussing the papers.
Seminar topics should be engaging and broad enough to offer participants multiple access points. Seminar leaders should have a deep understanding of their topic and the time and energy to provide feedback on each participant’s paper. Often, but not always, this means that advanced associate and full professors are especially well positioned to lead seminars.If you are interested in leading a seminar, please send 1) the name(s) of the proposed seminar leader(s), 2) a title for the seminar you are proposing, and 3) a brief description of the proposed seminar topic (300 words or less) to Professor Lara Langer Cohen at [email protected] by May 5.