CFP: New York State Political Science Association 2021 Annual Conference (April 23-24, 2021)

New York State Political Science Association

2021 Annual Conference (April 23-24, 2021)

Hosted by Elmira College – Elmira, NY

Submission Deadline: December 18,2020

The New York State Political Science Association invites proposals for panels or individual papers for our 2021 Annual Conference. Our 74th Annual Conference will be hosted by Elmira College. Please for more information.

The 2021 Annual Conference is currently being planned as virtual in format, with both live and prerecorded content including panels, roundtables, and addresses. The format (live or recorded) will be up to the discretion of the officers and section heads. It is our fervent hope that COVID-19 circumstances might ease to allow some in-person participation for those close by. Elmira College is located in the Southern Tier of New York about an hour west of Binghamton. Details on travel and accommodation will be given later and only if conditions allow us to hold some in-person events.

We welcome faculty and graduate student proposals from history, philosophy, psychology, gender studies, economics, law, organizational studies, and sociology as well as interdisciplinary proposals. Given Elmira College’s rich history as the first institution of higher education to offer degrees to women equivalent to those given to men and its close association with Mark Twain (Elmira College is home to the Center for Mark Twain Studies with his actual octagonal-shaped study on campus and his summer home of Quarry Farm nearby) we welcome proposals focusing on women in politics and the political aspects of Twain’s writing. If you are not sure where your paper fits please contact the program chair at [email protected].

NYSPSA prohibits multiple paper submissions. If you are proposing a paper, please submit an abstract of no more than 500 words. The abstract should include paper topic or research question, approach or methods, and preliminary findings.

NYSPSA enthusiastically welcomes proposals from international participants. Due to COVID- 19 safety concerns, however, international participation in the 74th Annual Conference is limited to remote presentation only. Please note: NYSPSA does NOT provide financial support for remote international participants in the way of waived or reduced membership and conference fees. NYSPSA can provide to foreign nationals a formal confirmation of acceptance on its letterhead.

We also have a very limited number of panels for undergraduate students. Undergraduate panels are separate from other panels and will only be comprised of undergraduate students. Undergraduate students MUST submit their proposal to the undergraduate section. All undergraduates submitting a paper MUST have a faculty sponsor. Please review the guidelines for undergraduate proposals at You can also select “Conference” on the top navigation bar of our homepage and select “Undergraduate Paper Submission and Evaluation Guidelines” from the menu.

If you are proposing a full panel please note that individual papers must be accepted (that is, we will require information on the individual papers before a panel proposal can be accepted). Additionally, all proposed panels must have a minimum of three papers and a maximum of five.

In order to submit a proposal please visit and select the “Abstract Submission” link on the top navigation bar or in the middle of the homepage. NYSPSA offers a Best Paper award with cash prizes click here for more information.