CFP: Mark Twain Circle at MLA Conference in Toronto, Canada (January 7-10, 2021)
The Mark Twain Circle is accepting proposals for a panel at MLA 2021 in Toronto.
The panel topic is “Gender/Power/Twain”.
The year 2020 saw the centennials of both woman suffrage in the U.S. and the canonization of Joan of Arc in the Catholic world. In recognition of those events, the Mark Twain Circle solicits papers for a session on Mark Twain and political power, broadly defined as an individual’s ability to effectively participate in her or his governing structures. How did Twain see women fitting into the American political structure? How did he portray Joan’s relationship to the ruling structures in his Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc, by the Sieur Louis de Conte? What were his own relationships to the various power structures that enmeshed him? And thinking broadly, how did he envision political power across time and place? We welcome proposals tackling these and related topics for our 2021 MLA session in Toronto.
Proposals (300-500 words, please include a short cv) are due no later than March 16, 2020. Please send to Susan K. Harris, address: [email protected]. We are especially interested in proposals from emerging scholars and individuals from underrepresented groups. Graduate students selected to present may apply for the Louis Budd Travel Grant sponsored by the MTC. Papers given at MTC sessions are often sought for development and publication in the journal Mark Twain Annual.