Mark Twain Forum Reviews: “Gravity: Selected Letters of Olivia Langdon Clemens”

Kevin Mac Donnell gives a review of Barbara Snedecor’s new edition of Livy’s letters

MARK TWAIN FORUM BOOK REVIEWS: “America’s Most Influential Journalist: The Life, Times and Legacy of Thomas Nast” by John Adler

Kevin Mac Donnell reviews this massive biography of one of Twain’s professional and personal friends

MARK TWAIN FORUM BOOK REVIEWS: “Mark Twain’s 10 Lessons For A Healthy Democracy: Keeping The Republic” by Donald Tiffany Bliss

“Twain’s commentaries on events of his day apply to the present, and Bliss weaves them into a very readable and coherent narrative consistent with Twain’s social and political philosophy.”

MARK TWAIN FORUM BOOK REVIEWS: “Mark Twain at The Gallows: Crime and Justice in His Western Writing” by Jarrod D. Roark

Kevin Mac Donnell reviews a new book which focuses on Twain’s time in West